chroniKRose FML
About the Artist - Alexus Robson
Alexus Robson is a 22 year old aspiring artist. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, Alexus began drawing
at a very young age. She also started working under her father in construction, painting and
building at a young age. While still in High School, she was commissioned by local businesses
to create custom logos and paint murals for their business.
Primarily self-taught, her medium is usually pen, pencil or markers on sketch paper.
Whenever she can, however, she loves to work with oil paints and anything else she can get
her hands on.
Most of Alexus’ artwork consists of things she’s dreamed or imagined and she prefers to stay
away from mainstream ideas and norms. She is inspired by things of fantasy and transforms
fairytales into paintings of creatures with their own unique story. Where you may see a
portrait of a creature appearing to be evil through a veil of rain, she has expressed the
anxiety of teenagers’ being judged by their looks and outcast by society because of their
convictions. The “creature” in the portrait is actually crying.
Alexus plans to continue to express such misconceptions through her work and hopes to
challenge her audience to also try and see things in a different light.
She currently lives and works in Atlanta, Georgia.
The cover art for the Starlight Serenade Souvenir booklet is titled: Dream’s Fire
Contact info:
Email; chronikrose44@gmail.com
Website: www.chronikrosefml.com
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